Olin City Hall
303 jackson street
po box 301
olin, iowa 52320
phone 319-484-2875
Fax 319-484-2870
jean email: [email protected]
m, w, th, f 7:30-4:00
tu 8:30-5:00
Need to make a payment outside these hours? There is a drop box in the entryway to City Hall on the right side. There are also envelopes available if you need one.
This drop box is emptied first thing each morning that we are in the office.
Do you have a tattered or torn flag that needs disposed of properly?
The American Legion has a collection site at City Hall.
Drop them by and they will be disposed of with the honor they deserve.
This drop box is emptied first thing each morning that we are in the office.
Do you have a tattered or torn flag that needs disposed of properly?
The American Legion has a collection site at City Hall.
Drop them by and they will be disposed of with the honor they deserve.