council member Karen tarbox
She has lived in Olin for 41 years. She will serve on the Capital Improvement, Finance, and Economic Development Commission as well as the Day Care Board.
Phone: 319-484-2609
Term Ends 1-1-2026
Phone: 319-484-2609
Term Ends 1-1-2026
council member david dircks
Dave has served on the City Council for 2 years. He has lived in Olin for 53 years. He is serving on the Landfill, Capital Improvements, Sidewalk and Finance Committees.
Phone: 319-484-2970
Term Ends: 1-1-2024
Phone: 319-484-2970
Term Ends: 1-1-2024
council member kahm sauer
Kahm has served on the City Council for 2 years. He has lived in Olin for his whole life. He is serving on the Capital Improvements, Finance, Sidewalk and Streets Committees as well as on the Park Board.
Phone: 319-484-2269
Term Expires: 1-1-2024